
Our Action Alliance Partnership

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance), a public-private partnership, has partnered with Turning Point Care Center, to strengthen the country’s clinical capacity to provide innovative suicide prevention and care. The partnership significantly advances one of the central priorities of the Action Alliance—to transform health systems and reduce suicides—and marks Turning Point Care Center’s commitment to be at the leading edge of the transformation.

As a proud supporter of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Turning Point Care Center provides education and resources to the communities we serve.

It’s Never Too Late

Turning Point Care Center provides a full continuum of care, from inpatient through to outpatient, for adults struggling with chemical dependency, acute psychiatric disorders or a dual diagnosis of both. Our intake and admissions department accepts referrals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To make a referral or request an assessment, call 800-342-1075.

A Turn for the Better

Better Care for a Better Tomorrow